We spent most of the morning getting ready for the boom truck to lift the mast, and by 11:00 we were ready, which was good because he showed up 1 1/2 hours early. Windy, and on and off down pours made for a good time to set up the mast. We did get it set just fine. By the end of day 26 she looked a lot like a sail boat again. I spent over an hour getting the mud and muck cleaned off the deck, or most of it any way... We got dinner at the waffle house, oh boy.
The morning of day 27 we had hoped we would be ready to go by about noon, but that was not looking good. I had the car from the marina and from 12-2 I ran in to Mobile to do our last supply run. When I got back Dave had been fighting with one of the new lines we put on, trying to berade a loop in the end. He did give up on that one. He had much better luck with some of the other lines, and by the end of the day we did have one sail on the boat and the boom was in place.
Day 28 (Thanksgiving Day) we had one last line to finish up and Dave had to go up in the chair to near the top of the mast. That went better than we thought in might. Then it was time to set the main sail and check everything out on the boat to make sure it is ready. We then got the kyaks rigged and in the water next to the boat. When we pull out in the morning they will fall behind us till we get to Belize. The last thing to do is repack the boat, clean and straighten up, showers, and dinner.
In the morning we are off, next stop Belize.
The Spot should let everyone know where we are everyday, so you see as we make our way across the gulf.
I will keep doing daily blogs and post them when we get to Belize, along with photos too.